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4. Click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC and remove all Oracle keys. 5. Click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services \Eventlog\ Application and delete all keys starting with Ora. 6. Click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and delete all keys starting with Oracle. 7. Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER and delete the Oracle key. 8. Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE and delete all Oracle keys. 9. Exit the registry and restart the computer.

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You must also remove all Oracle path references by updating your Windows Path environment variable as shown here. 1. Go to Control Panel Start Settings Control Panel System and select Environment Variables. 2. Click on the Advanced tab under System Properties and click on Environment Variables. 3. Choose the System Variable Path and remove all Oracle entries from the Windows path.

iPrivate; iInternal; iProtectedPrivate; iProtected; iPublicProtected; iPublic;

You must also remove all Oracle entries from the Start menu: 1. Go to C:\Document and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs. 2. Delete all folders whose names start with Oracle.

echo $VAR | awk '{for(i=3; i<=NF; i++) {printf "%s ",$i}; print ""}'

Finally, you must remove all Oracle directories and files by doing the following: 1. Remove the Oracle software directories by deleting the C:\program files\Oracle directory. 2. Remove all directories under which you created Oracle data files.

Linux is a multiuser, multitasking X Windows based operating system. If it sounds very much like someone is describing UNIX, it s no surprise, because Linux and UNIX are essentially the same. Linux is a descendent of the UNIX software, and its main claim to fame is that it s open source, free software. Of course, if you want a firm like Red Hat to hold your hand while you install and manage Linux, you have to pay.

Most of the chapters in this book were based on an Oracle Database 10g database running on Linux. In all cases, the commands you use to administer a database are identical in UNIX and Linux systems.

Linux is red-hot right now, and many major businesses are already using it for everything except their core mission-critical applications For example, a major Wall Street firm uses Linux for everything except its main live customer databases Increasingly, firms are finding that they can use Linux for mission-critical applications The main draw of Linux is that it s much cheaper than proprietary UNIX servers, and it s not a Microsoft product Linux is the fastest-growing operating system platform, and total sales are projected to grow to $59 billion by the year 2006, according to the IDC consulting firm Oracle is the leading commercial database on the Linux operating system Also according to IDC, Linux now owns 27 percent of the server operating system market, up from a meager 1 percent in 1995 If you know UNIX, you know Linux as well, because the commands are similar.

Here is the output:

The main kernel parameters, such as the shared memory and semaphores, are handled similarly in both Linux and UNIX The differences between the two relate to the installation process you may have more difficulty with non-certified versions of Linux In addition, some of the smaller Linux distributions may not be as stable as UNIX software sold by Sun Microsystems and HP Several versions of Linux are available, some totally free and some available at a price that is a fraction of what Sun Microsystems and HP charge for their UNIX software Nevertheless, a featureladen Linux operating system with technical support worth mentioning will cost you some serious money In the end, by choosing Linux you may save anywhere between 20 and 60 percent of what you d spend on a well-known UNIX brand.

ref class Inner { public: void TestVisibility(Base^ base) { Console::WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", base->iPrivate, base->iInternal, base->iProtectedPrivate, base->iProtected, base->iPublicProtected, base->iPublic); } }; void TestVisibility(Base^ base) { // all Base members can be accessed here Console::WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", base->iPrivate, base->iInternal, base->iProtectedPrivate, base->iProtected, base->iPublicProtected, base->iPublic); } }; public ref class Derived : Base { public: void TestVisibility(Base^ base) { // only internal, public protected and public members can be accessed via Base^

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